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SWALPAC Minutes 11-19-02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Sandy Jeski, Robert Waldron, Bob Entigar
        and Jeff Folger.

Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m.

ITEM:  Minutes

The October 15, 2002 Meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum.
**Please notify the Chairperson if you are unable to attend**

ITEM:  Old Business

Betty reported that she appeared at the Town Council Work Session on Monday, November 18, 2002 regarding naming of a portion of the Kelley-Waldron-Willard property in honor of  Sherwood Waldron.  There was a discussion of the two suggested sites (Meadow and Observation Platform), and three members of the public in attendance spoke in favor of honoring Mr. Waldron.  The Mayor named a four member sub-committee that will report back toi the Council by mid-December.

ITEM: New Business

There was a discussion regarding the three vacancies on SWALPAC.  Several farmers names were suggested.  We will make some calls to inquire if any of them are interested.  It was also suggested that an item concerning the vacancies be placed in the Podunk Press.

There was a discussion regarding the letter SWALPAC sends periodically to holders of 490 tax abatements.  It was decided that it would be appropriate to send the again now, as it has not been done for a couple of years.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Warren, Chairperson
